At St. Patrick we celebrate four weekend liturgies as the norm during the school year. We hold Advent and Lent communal prayer services as well as weekday Masses, First Friday Mass with Adoration, First Saturday Mass followed by rosary and confessions, holy day and holiday masses.

A liturgical service takes on a nobler aspect when the rites are celebrated with singing, the sacred ministers take their parts in them, and the faithful actively participate. (Sacrosanctum Concilium, 30).

Liturgical Ministries

Liturgical Ministry Schedule 

liturgical ministries

Liturgical Ministers at St. Patrick are all baptized Catholics in good standing with the church. Some responsibilities, not all, require that the person be confirmed. For example, a Communion Minister must be confirmed; a Server and a Lector, need not be. Liturgical Ministers are scheduled for all weekend and special liturgies throughout the liturgical year. Training is provided, and updates help grow the understanding of the ministry's role and expectations. To see a list of the Liturgical Minister roles, go to Ministries.

How to volunteer

All various liturgical volunteer opportunities are listed below. 

Volunteer for ministries

Elementary, middle school, and high school aged students have the privilege of assisting the Presider throughout the liturgy. Training is provided.

Contact: Deacon Paul Gorski at 540-463-3533


Altar Servers

This is an opportunity during the Sunday Masses for children ages 3 to 6 to hear the Gospel proclaimed in words they can understand, and to complete a simple craft or drawing that helps them to comprehend the meaning of the Scripture passage. It is celebrated on the second Sunday of the month at the 8 a.m. Mass.

Contact Kathleen Nowacki-Correia at 540-463-3533.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

This liturgical minister places the sacred elements in the hand/mouth of the faithful during the reception of the Eucharist.  This minister inspires belief in the real presence of Christ and fosters our sense of unity and reconciliation.

Contact Justin Soutar at 540-463-3533.

extraordinary minister of Holy communion

If you are willing to take Communion to those who cannot attend church services due to illness, hospitalization or other reasons, please contact Laurie Strong at 540-570-9877.

extraordinary minister of holy Communion for the Homebound

Lectors proclaim the Word of God in a clear, audible speaking voice and in a prepared delivery style. Training is provided and on-going formation is expected.

Contact Justin Soutar at 540-463-3533.


Help with our liturgical seasonal set-ups about 4 or 5 times yearly.  Great for people who like working with their hands and have a visual "sense."

Contact Jane Stange at 540-463-2964.

Art & Environment committee

Working primarily behind the scenes in conjunction with the Pastor, the Liturgy Committee meets monthly to plan all that is needed to celebrate the liturgical year.

Contact Contact: Jane Stange at 540-463-2964

Liturgy Committee

Share in a ministry that proclaims the Gospel through the gift and power of music. We invite Cantors and adult and children Choir Ministry members who are willing to share their faith and vocal gifts with our assembly. Instrumentalists are also needed.

Contact Justin Soutar at 540-463-3533.

Liturgical Music

The Master of Ceremonies takes charge of the liturgical set-up before Mass and ensures that the liturgical ministers and others are present to serve. She/he prepares the bread and wine, liturgical vessels, the tidiness of the church and other tasks.

Contact Justin Soutar at 540-463-3533.

Master of ceremonies

An usher seats people, assists with special needs, takes up the collection, and distributes bulletins.

Contact Justin Soutar at 540-463-3533.    
