Ephesians 1:13

"In him you also, who have heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and have believed in him, were sealed with the promised holy Spirit."

Anointing with oil has all these meanings in the sacramental life. The pre-baptismal anointing with the oil of catechumens signifies cleansing and strengthening; the anointing of the sick expresses healing and comfort. The post-baptismal anointing with sacred chrism in Confirmation and ordination is the sign of consecration. By Confirmation Christians, that is, those who are anointed, share more completely in the mission of Jesus Christ and the fullness of the Holy Spirit with which he is filled, so that their lives may give off "the aroma of Christ." CCC 1294


Students who have faithfully attended Sunday Religious Education classes in the lower grades or in at least the 9th grade are eligible in their 1oth grade year at age 15 to study for Confirmation. Candidates also may be 16 and 17 years of age and in the 11th and 12th grades.

All Candidates must continue to attend the Sunday High School Religious Education classes, while studying separately for the sacrament. Confirmation preparatory sessions are taught during the academic year by two Catechists on Sunday evenings on a once or twice-a-month schedule. One Sponsor is required for each Candidate and the Sponsor’s Pastor must sign an official diocesan form affirming that the Sponsor is a Catholic in good standing. An exit interview with the Pastor is required for each Candidate, prior to the Confirmation date, which is determined by the Richmond Diocese each year.

 Our Candidates join with many teenagers from other parishes in our Deanery for the celebration of the sacrament at one of the large Roanoke churches, usually St. Andrew’s. The Bishop of Richmond is the Principal Celebrant of the sacrament of Confirmation. 

Confirmation at St. Patrick's